Friday, 23 January 2015

Rough Cut 2.0

Below is the rough cut of my music video. It is missing a few clips here and there, but I will hopefully get the majority of these filmed over the weekend so I can add them to the video.

The 50 second gap in the song towards the end is the main chunk where the clips are missing, but these should be simple to film once I have the main parts filmed, so it shouldn't be long until I have the rest filmed and edited.

(And, yes, both actors are wearing clothes in the shot when they walk up the stairs! Their trousers / dress were pulled up to make it look as though the clothes they're throwing on the stairs were the ones they were wearing.)


  1. The general tone is fine, although I think you maybe need to use a little more of the US footage seeded through if you have it. Some of the shots of the couple are held too long and I'm really not sure about the moments where you look in the camera - they don't work for me. I like the slo - mo, apart from some of the shots could do with being broken up - the pace of the track seems to demand faster edits. You might want to consider using cross dissolves at some points.
    I really think you should consider adding a performance element to the track. I'm not sure the footage has the weight/ focus to carry the whole thing - there's not really an obvious narrative through-line. It's up to you, but I think it would add something.

  2. Ought to add that narrative might make more sense with missing footage.
